What are the paralegal salaries

Who is a Paralegal?

Paralegal Salaries This is a person who is trained in the subsidiary legal matter, but they are not yet fully qualified as lawyers.  They are also referred to as legal assistants.

What does a paralegal do?

Paralegals are mainly trained to help lawyers in preparing trials, closing as well as hearings. They gather relevant information in relation to cases at hand as well as to conduct legal research. Paralegals may also assist in preparing presentations. Here is no doubt that this is also a fulfilling profession, especially if you are aspiring to be a lawyer in the future.

What qualifications do you need to become a paralegal?

For you to qualify as a paralegal in the USA, the following aspects must be considered;


Paralegal requires a Bachelor’s degree in any field as well as six on this training as a legal assistant, not to mention three experienced as an attorney supervises you.


Working with a legal assistant who lacks experience is a big nightmare to attorneys.  A good paralegal must have at least three years of experience.


A good paralegal must be a Bachelor’s degree holder with six months of training as a legal assistant.

How much does a paralegal make starting out?

A paralegal with just one year experience can earn an average of $38,870, which also includes bonuses, overtime pays as well as tips.  A paralegal with more than 1-4 years of experience will receive a total of $42,102.

It is vital to mention that the average earning of a paralegal can range from $24,500 up to $61,150. All this depends on your location, your firm, experience as well as other factors that employers offer.

Keep in mind that paralegal salaries may vary, particularly in large firms, government agencies as well as small legal firms. It is obvious that large firms pay more than small firms.  Some law firms also offer different benefits to their paralegals.

How paralegals are paid

It is worth mentioning that most attorneys pay their legal assistants based on their academic qualification, quantity as well as the quality of their work.  Research has it that they can enjoy discretionary bonuses depending on the performance of their work.  Some firms offer overtime payments, and this will depend on whether one is exempt as well as the nonexempt employee.  Regulation on Paralegal Salaries may vary based on each state.

Is paralegal an excellent job?

There is no doubt that there are good and bad jobs out there.  But, from the look, we can attest to the fact that a legal assistant is a good job. It is a fulfilling profession, just like any other job. Challenges must also be expected in any other job, just like paralegal job.


It is evident that being a paralegal is worth it as they are entitled to a range of benefits, just like any other employee, as discussed above. Paralegal salaries can increase through working hard and ensuring that their work is of good quality. They can further their studies, acquire additionally experienced from prominent lawyers as well as relocate to a busy town.  According to research conducted by the National Association of Legal Assistants in the USA in 2015, paralegals take an annual salary of $60 00 excusing bonuses.

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